Nio, a leading electric vehicle manufacturer, has recently embarked on a new venture in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) with the creation of a team dedicated to researching a robot dog project. This team, consisting of approximately 20 individuals, is led by Xu Kang, a former algorithm expert from autonomous driving startup Momenta who joined Nio’s self-driving team several years ago.
The decision to delve into the realm of AI robotics signifies a shift towards a more cautious approach by Nio, signaling a strategic move towards exploring new opportunities in the industry. The focus on quadrupedal robotic dogs, as opposed to bipedal robots, is driven by their superior stability, flexibility, load-bearing capabilities, and adaptability to complex terrain.
The control systems for quadrupedal robot dogs are relatively simple and do not require intricate manipulative capabilities, making them ideal for applications such as electric power inspection, fire rescue, and national defense. The market potential for such products is estimated to be in the range of hundreds of billions of RMB.
While the development costs for robot dogs may be lower compared to other AI robots, the overall progress in embodied AI technology is still in its early stages. The complexity of creating AI systems with a wide range of applications poses a significant challenge for industry practitioners.
The emergence of embodied AI as a promising frontier in the AI landscape has garnered attention from major players in the automotive industry. Tesla, a frontrunner in embodied AI, recently unveiled its humanoid robot, Optimus, at the AI Day 2022 event. Similarly, Xpeng, another prominent Chinese automaker, ventured into robotics with the acquisition of robotics startup Dogotix and the establishment of Xpeng Robotics.
In a bid to capitalize on the growing potential of embodied AI, local companies such as Li Auto and GAC Group have also showcased their humanoid robot projects. Li Auto’s founder, Li Xiang, expressed a strong commitment to venturing into humanoid robots in the future, emphasizing the company’s vision of leveraging AI technology to enhance everyday experiences.
By setting up a dedicated team to develop embodied AI products, including humanoid robots, BYD has demonstrated its strategic alignment with the evolving trends in the industry. The convergence of AI and robotics is poised to revolutionize various sectors, opening up new avenues for innovation and technological advancement.
In conclusion, Nio’s foray into the AI robot dog project reflects a broader trend towards leveraging AI technology to drive innovation and explore new opportunities in the automotive industry. As the field of embodied AI continues to evolve, companies are proactively investing in research and development to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on the transformative potential of AI robotics.