Gordon Murray, the renowned automotive designer, has revealed exciting plans for the future of Gordon Murray Automotive (GMA). With the T50 production well underway, Murray announced that the production of the T33 will commence once all T50 units have been delivered. Currently in the 40s of T50 production, there are still over half of the build run remaining, along with 25 units of the high-performance T50S variant.
All four existing models from GMA – T50, T50 S, T33, and T33 Spider – have already been sold out, showcasing the strong demand for Murray’s innovative creations.
Upcoming Model: T33 Variants and Beyond
The upcoming T33 will be available in three different versions: coupé, Spider, and S, extending GMA’s lineup until 2028. Beyond that, Murray teased a completely new model based on a fresh architecture that he recently finalized. This new car will mark a departure from the current lineup, with Murray emphasizing his commitment to innovation and excellence.
While keeping details under wraps, Murray hinted that the new model will be distinct and exceptional, embodying his vision for the ultimate driving experience. Limited to just 100 units, like the T50 and T33, this new car will represent Murray’s dream project, aiming to set a new benchmark in its segment.
“It could absolutely be the best driver’s car in its segment,” Murray hinted, hinting at the exceptional performance and driving dynamics that enthusiasts can expect from the upcoming model.