MIPS has recently announced the launch of the MIPS P8700 Series RISC-V Processor, which is now available for general use. This processor is specifically designed to meet the demanding requirements of advanced automotive applications such as ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), delivering accelerated compute performance, power efficiency, and scalability.
Unlike traditional solutions that rely on embedding a higher number of cores at higher clock rates, the P8700 takes a more efficient approach. Its multi-threaded and power-efficient architecture allows for the implementation of fewer CPU cores with lower thermal design power (TDP), making ADAS solutions more affordable and scalable for OEMs. Additionally, the P8700 addresses data movement inefficiencies by providing a highly efficient and optimized solution tailored for interrupt-laden multi-sensor platforms.
For L2+ ADAS systems with AI Autonomous software stacks, the P8700 can offload core processing elements that are difficult to quantize in deep learning, resulting in more than 30% better AI stack software utilization and efficiency.
The MIPS P8700 core is based on the RISC-V ISA and features multi-core/multi-cluster and multi-threaded CPU IP. It is currently in production with major OEMs, with customers like Mobileye incorporating it into their future self-driving vehicle products.
The P8700 Series is a high-performance out-of-order processor that implements the RISC-V RV64GC architecture. It includes key features such as MIPS Out-of-Order Multi-threading, Coherent Multi-Core, Multi-Cluster architecture, and Functional Safety capabilities to meet the ASIL-B(D) functional safety standard.
Overall, the MIPS P8700 Series RISC-V Processor offers industry-leading compute density and performance for advanced automotive applications, making it a valuable solution for OEMs developing ADAS and autonomous driving systems.