Back in the late 1970s, television screens were filled with popular detective shows that captured the hearts of many viewers. From The Professionals starring Gordon Jackson, Martin Shaw, and Lewis Collins to Minder with Dennis Waterman and The Sweeney with John Thaw, there was no shortage of action-packed entertainment.
For those like Phillips Sr, who grew up watching these shows, the nostalgia of the era often comes flooding back. The thrilling storylines may not have resonated with everyone, but the iconic cars driven by the protagonists certainly left a lasting impression.
Who could forget the sleek silver Ford Capri 3.0 S in The Professionals or the Diamond White Mk2 Ford Escort RS2000? And let’s not overlook the impeccable Copper Bronze Ford Consul GT driven by The Sweeney’s DI, Jack Regan. These cars were more than just vehicles; they were symbols of power and authority, perfectly complementing the characters who drove them.
The choice of cars in these shows was no accident. The producers understood the importance of selecting vehicles with star power equal to that of the actors. Imagine George Cowley navigating the streets in a Reliant Robin – it just wouldn’t have the same impact.
What set these cars apart was their unmarked police car status. Intimidating yet understated, they were equipped to strike fear into the hearts of wrongdoers without the need for flashy accessories. This tactic of using plain cars for undercover operations became popular among police forces in the 1980s and 1990s and continues to be effective for traffic units and drug squads today.
While the era of classic detective shows may be behind us, the legacy of these iconic cars lives on. Whether it’s reminiscing about Bodie and Doyle’s adventures in the Capri or marveling at the sheer presence of the Consul GT, these vehicles hold a special place in the hearts of fans everywhere.