Mahindra has recently launched its electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing and battery assembly facility at its plant in Maharashtra, India. This new facility, covering 2.83 km² within Mahindra’s Chakan site, is dedicated to the development and production of Mahindra’s next-generation Electric Origin SUVs. The company has invested Rs45bn ($523m) from its F22–F27 investment cycle for this initiative, focusing on powertrain development, software and technology enhancements, and increasing manufacturing capacity.
The EV hub is designed as a fully integrated and automated manufacturing ecosystem, featuring over 1,000 robots, automated transfer systems, and a strong emphasis on skill development. Spread across an 88,000m² footprint, Mahindra’s new plant includes a fully automated press shop, an AI-driven body shop, and robotic paint shops. The body shop alone deploys over 500 robots and is monitored by an IoT-based “Nerve Center” that provides real-time insights for process optimization and traceability.
The facility incorporates Industry 4.0 technologies, Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR), and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) to ensure seamless material movement. The battery assembly area utilizes compact manufacturing lines with patented processes and lean module assembly. Special features include a patented pallet design for insulation and geometric accuracy, along with hidden cell terminal welding to ensure connectivity and durability.
Additionally, the assembly line includes comprehensive end-of-line testing, IP67 ingress protection, real-time temperature monitoring, and automated anomaly isolation. Mahindra’s commitment to innovation and sustainability is evident in the design and operations of this state-of-the-art EV manufacturing hub in Maharashtra, India.